Master Practitioner in Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP, trainer and supervisor at ARCHE (Academy for Research and Knowledge in Ericksonian Hypnosis) in Paris, she also supervises practitioners of the theraputic in various fields (hypnopractors, NLP coaches, sophrologists, speech therapists, psychologists,…). Specialized in inner leadership and creativity, her activity as a coach and integrative psycho-practitioner is in particular geared towards therapists, artists and so-called “high potential” (HPI) people. She reurned to Europe after 20 years in Asia and the Middle East, created Présence & Perspectives in 2015 to promote self-awareness and personal development tools, while co-founding the AMPR® method . In her practice in Bahrain, Dubai and Paris, she has developed an original method of investigating mental representations which constitute the foundation and the vision of the Phoenix Capacity® Method (MPC) which she created in 2018. She also has direct experience working on herself with the Phoenix Capacity method.
Systemic coach, hypnopractitioner, sophrologist and master practitioner in NLP. He is a trainer of the Phoenix Capacity® Method. Established in Paris and the Algarve after having lived 10 years in Asia and the Middle East, he also consults online by videoconference. As a systemic & NLP coach, he specializes in the development of imagination, creativity and verbal expression in all its forms. Second dan black belt in taekwondo, and practicing many other martial arts, he has also developed an expertise in coaching athletes of all levels. He mainly uses the Phoenix Capacity® Method, sophrology and hypnosis, also working with individuals on physiological issues. After a Master in Theoretical Physics at UPMC in Paris, where he had the opportunity to co-author several publications, he obtained a Master level certificate in Coaching (RNCP level 1) from LinkUp Coaching. He was trained in NLP and Hypnotic Patterns for Learning by Richard Bandler, one of the two founders of NLP, and in Hypnosis by Kevin Finel (ARCHE) in Paris.
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